Parts Plus

Used YD25 Turbo Diesel Engine for Pathfinder or Navara

Were you searching around for a used YD25 Turbo Diesel Engine for a Pathfinder or Navara?

Your search is over with Parts Plus Australia. Use our find a part system to search our database of over a million used parts including Nissan parts, Toyota parts, Holden parts and many more!

You can search right now, 24 hours a day 7 days a week and find the nearest used YD25 2.5L Turbo Diesel Engine for a Pathfinder or Navara.

It’s just that easy. Enter the Nissan Navara or Nissan Pathfinder part you need and our database will give you a listing of available parts including their prices and locations so you can find the closest one to you. Our Parts Plus group members are located across Australia and can arrange delivery of your used engine or other parts Australia wide.

We also offer an optional Australia wide warranty of 3, 6 or 12 months – that’s right, a used part warranty!

Found what you need? Contact our members and arrange pick up or freight for your parts quickly and easily.

We offer a nationwide warranty of up to 12 months so you never have to worry!

When you buy used parts from Parts Plus Australia, be it a Navara Turbo Diesel Engine, alternator or bumper you always know the condition of the used parts you are buying before you purchase as every part is carefully checked and graded by our staff before it becomes available for sale.

Our parts locator makes searching online for used parts really easy, but sometimes you just need to deal face to face/on the phone – no problem! We have group members in most major cities so you can find the closest vehicle wreckers in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or beyond that have a YD25 Turbo Diesel engine waiting for you to head down and see it for yourself.

Search for and find our members directly right here!

At Parts Plus Australia, we make finding and buying the used car, 4×4 and commercial parts that you need easy and hassle free! If you have any questions why not contact us today.

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